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Nirvana Columbaria Niche
World-class magnificence

Rhyme of Life
If there is one place where the passing of life does not mean the end – where memories live on in the heart forever – then this place is the Rhyme of Life. The Rhyme of Life evokes the fullness of life; beautiful, precious and enduring.

Luxury Columbarium
With a 6-star decoration, the Brahma Palace was built with intricate and beautiful designs With its 6-star design inspired by the Lingshan Brahma Palace in China, the Ming Palace is constructed with delicate and beautiful interiors that warmly welcome visitors. Its spectacular ceiling, intricatete sculptures, elegant murals and warm ambience createa truly remarkable atmosphere that both calms the heart of visitors as well as provide the departed with a serene place of eternal rest.

Modern Columbarium
The modern columbarium is designed along vibrant artistic lines set admidst an auspicious environment that promotes prosperity. The design conveys the essence of a timeless masterpiece. The rustic pavilions are complemented with minimalist murals, sculptures and paintings. The richly contoured architecture and clean interiors provide a fresh finesse to the overall design. It conjures up an impression of a paradise in line with contemporary ideals.

Ancient Chinese Architecture Columbarium
The multi-million ringgit Oriental Villa is a signature masterpiece of Nirvana Memorial Garden. Built to house the urns of the departed, its elegant and spacious interiors are designed to convey a sense of traditional ancient Chinese opulence. Most importantly, it provides a feeling of dignified peace that your loved ones truly deserve.

Christian Columbarium
The artistic Christian Columbarium is a masterpiece of bereavement architecture that is unlike any other. While its unique style exudes a distinctive Christian character, the Christian Columbarium presents the best of both worlds: spiritual comfort and contemporary sensibilities.

竖立于极乐安息之地,庄严慈祥的西方三圣 – 南无阿弥陀佛、南无观世音菩萨及南无大势至菩萨,普渡逝者往生极乐世界,庇佑后人平安吉祥。
Urn Garden
Internment in columbaria is not the only option for those who chose cremation. Zone D of Nirvana Memorial Park (Shah Alam) is the largest burial plot for cinenary urns in Malaysia for those who would like to have a traditional burial after cremation . The setting is peaceful and tranquil, and each internment comes with an individual space just like a traditional tomb for the convenience of visiting family members.
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