Funeral Service
In order to meet all your needs as you navigate the difficulties of the death of a loved one, we provide a wide range of services and products. From coordinating logistics to filling out paperwork, you’re in good hands at NIRVANA ASIA GROUP.
现代化追思礼堂Grand Memorial Parlour
豪华寿木Luxurious Casket
豪华骨灰瓮Luxurious Urn
白衣天使White Ladies
Preserving the dignity of your departed loved ones.
The White Ladies are a team of professionally trained female embalmers and beauticians dedicated to rendering their immaculate services with a genuine heart for deceased female body. This will leave a comforting imprint on the spouse, parents and children who would feel more at ease with this service respect for their departed loved ones.
维护女性往生亲人的尊严Safeguarding the dignity of your female loved ones
What to do when someone passes away?
Our dedicated service representatives are ever ready to assist you every step of the way.
In order to meet all your needs as you navigate the difficulties of the death of a loved one, we provide a wide range of services and products. From coordinating logistics to filling out paperwork, you’re in good hands at NIRVANA ASIA GROUP.